Means the truth, The truth, Means the truth, Means truth.
Pravda, Pravda, Pravda, Pravda.
Pravda, Pravda, Pravda.
Means the truth, Means the truth, Means the truth.
The truth, The truth, The truth, The truth.
Pravda, Pravda, Pravda, Pravda.
Unnamed track 2
Well… What's going on?
Eh… I've been told that the police has sent someone here to get me. So I, eh…
Well, don't worry about it. With this guy ?
Somebody help me!
Help me!
Somebody help me!
Help me!
Help me!
Somebody help me!
Help me!
Help me!
Somebody help me!
Help me!
Help me!
Help me!
Help me!
Help me!
Help me!
Spare me! I beg you! This is it! Let me go!
Let you go? You're killed so many people! I'm putting you in jail!
Unnamed track 3
Unnamed track 4
Unnamed track 5
Greater Than One: Lay Your Penis Down (CS) (1985) Toggle
Unnamed track 1
Sweating and panting. Deep in the ground. Deep in the sea. Receiving darkness.
? of hair lie forever untouched by life. Dead for an eternity. Receiving darkness.
Roll on the bed. Resign myself to the dusk. Hands clenched. Body like an overgrown fetus, too big for the womb. Large enough for life. Heartbeat lost its maximum strength. Steady pulse fades away with the breath. Receiving darkness.
The perfume of youth covers the shoulders. The smell of old age sits in the groin. Carefully, the wasted body resigns itself to dusk. Receives a darkness.
A mind runs ahead into dreaming. Claws and answers. Rowing on mystical horses. ? and faces. Hot moisture becomes a comfort. Death and done. A full darkness. A full, fast life. In this darkness, everything is real, all is believeable. Wild flapping. Pictures in the dreamy wind. Dark, hot wind. In this darkness, looking for light, in the secret world. Finding this world as it was when he left is. Leaving darkness, till dreams come agains. Till dreams come again. Till dreams come again.
Unnamed track 2
Unnamed track 3
Unnamed track 4
Unnamed track 5
Greater than one.
Eno naht retaerg.
Greater than one.
Eno naht retaerg.
Greater than one.
Eno naht retaerg.
Greater than one.
Unnamed track 6
Unnamed track 7
Unnamed track 8
Unnamed track 9
Oh, eh, ah, ah, very naïve.
Yeah, so what?
Mr. Green, you are still very young.
Oh, eh, ah, ah, very naïve.
Yeah, so what?
Mr. Green, you are still very young.
Well, almost ?
President Botha of South Africa was retired.
Well, absolutely!
President Botha of South Africa was retired.
Well, absolutely!
President Botha of South Africa was retired.
Well, almost ?
Well, absolutely!
Mr. Green, you are still very young.
Oh, eh, ah, ah, very naïve.
Yeah, so what?
Terrorist activity remains at a high level.
Terrorist activity remains at a high level.
Unnamed track 10
Unnamed track 11
Greater Than One: All the Masters Licked Me (LP) (1987) Toggle
Exorcising Julie
The Intelligence of Natives
[Native African language sounding words]
The Sweet Smell of a Supermarket on Fire
[Instrumental track]
Trendy Africa
[Instrumental track]
Everything is in a State of Flux
[Whispered words]
Everything is in a state of flux.
Man is an embryonic mass.
The mind is something that is not only inside, it is also outside.
Human beings aren't imprisoned in their minds by the limitations of their bodies.
The human mind doesn't stop at the skin.
The mind is part of the exterior world.
Except that it isn't visible.
Society has lost track of the dimensions and laws of nature.
Let me say this, this is really, really important.
There is no such this as rehabilitation in the British prison system, here in Northern Ireland.
On the night that I was arrested, there was a very careful… carefully laid ambush laid for us, because there was a, turned out there was a placed informer in our camp.
And erm, there's SAS, police, soldiers, and we drove into their ambush, and erm, well I crashed through several of their roadblocks, and there's a lot of shooting.
Erm, ? they thought I was dead, ?. Because there was one of the, the soldiers that sort of flipped his lid in the excitement, and he had a moment, and he looked at me, and he sort of pulled up the side of the car, shot ?.
And a lot of it was for personal gain, personal power, being one of the lads. They were attracted by the sort of, sort of glamour of it.
Slog On (Dead Beat)
Slog on!
Slog on!
Slog on!
Dead beat!
Dead beat!
Dead beat!
Dead beat!
Slog on!
Slog on!
Slog on!
Dead beat!
Dead beat!
Dead beat!
Dead beat!
Slog on!
Slog on!
Slog on!
I'm just ?
Slog on!
Slog on!
Slog on!
Slog on!
Slog on!
Straight Plague
[Instrumental track]
Bad Love
? between a man and a woman.
Their innocent offspring ?.
The way that they live is supposed to be human.
The way that they live is supposed to be human.
The way that they live is supposed to be human.
The way that they live is supposed to be human.
Greater Than One: Dance of the Cowards (LP, CD) (1988) Toggle
Now is the time
Now here's a nodding song. As the song goes on, you nod instead of singing the words. The first time you sing the whole thing like this.
Does… Does… Does… Does… Does… Does… Does… Does God hate slavery?
Yeaheay, ha ha ha!
And Christ said.
And Christ said.
And Christ said.
I'm not just talking about one person, I'm talking about everybody. I'm talking about form. I'm talking about contents. I'm talking about interrelationships. I'm talking about God, the Devil, Hell, Heaven, do you understand, finally?OFOtCN1
I don't need God.
I don't need God.
All I need is an amoeba.
We're all out of money, it's tough…
We're all out of money, it's tough…
We're all out of money, it's tough luck, you think life…
We're all out of money, it's tough…
We're all out of money, it's tough…
We're all out of money, it's tough luck, you think life is tough?
What we want is a proletarian art that will describe proletarian life and proletarian aspirations. Bourgeois culture is dying. It is the artist's job to lead the workers towards a new, popular art that will emerge with the liberation of the masses.EAtR1
But you're asking the impossible. How can a bourgeois artist be anything but inept at translating the workers' aspirations? Trotsky has already argued that it is pointless to contract proletarian and bourgeois culture in the pre-revolutionary period. To the extent that a culture is proletarian, it is not yet a culture. To the extent that there is a culture, it is not yet proletarian.EAtR1
We are far too concious of the way bourgeois society tames its rebels. Savouring the poison and calling it entertainment or, "avant-garde". Thought, art, even spiritual revolt, can be reduced to a commodity. We can only avoid assimilation by writing hermetically. By not making ourselves obvious to every department-store shop assistant.EAtR1
AFitC1: Larry "Lonesome" Rhodes (Andy Griffith) in A Face in the Crowd (47:25), after consuming a Vitajex pill.
DSVH1: Dick Sutphen's Video Hypnosis VHS 108 VIDEO HYPNOSIS Plus Audio & Video Subliminal Suggestions: Ultra-Monetary Success.
EAtR1: Reenacted dialogue from the documentary Europe After the Rain: Dada and Surrealism.
KW1: Intro from Kraftwerk's Die Mensch-Maschine on their epynomous album.
OFOtCN1: Monologue by Harding in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.
SB1: Slipback, BBC Radio audio drama by Eric Saward (7:03).
UC1: Most likely from an English-Dutch self-teaching audio tape of unknown provenance, as the sample is of the same phrase being spoken in both English and Dutch, using a phrase commonly associated with language self-teaching.
UC2: Most likely from an English-Dutch self-teaching audio tape of unknown provenance.
Wilkins1: Part of a speech by Roy Wilkins, head of the NAACP given prior to Martin Luther King Jr.'s I Have a Dream speech at the Lincoln Memorial on 28 August 1963.